Friday, August 31, 2007

I'm searching f...

I'm searching for a few enthusiastic HP fans who WILL be attending Lumos 2006 in July, who have some kind of academic or professional background in gender studies, womens studies, sociology, etc, AND who would be willing to help guide/lead a Roundtable discussion in these themes:As related to HP fanon:Identity, expression and relationships - lesbian, genderqueer, transgender...Something of the like.If you're my person, or you know someone, please email me at redpiratemel at hotmail dotcom. THX!!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

I am drafting 2 p...

I am drafting 2 proposals for Roundtable Discussions at Lumos - yay! Now I desperately need the help of my wise and kinky flist. Please take a second to caress the ticky boxes below and bring my decisions to a head. *snigger* (Mind in the gutter now? Excellent.) Seriously, I'd like these Roundtable Discussions to be very fanon-positive, sexuality-positive and affirming the great things about Femslash and Genderswitching: love, acceptance, diverse identities, freedom to be in love, and expression of self-identity. Personally, I think it's amazing that slash, femslash and genderswitching have found such acceptance within our fandom, even if the vehicle is smut (or gen!), when in our culture at large homophobia and transphobia are still frightening realities. Anyway, onto The Happy...Poll #649165 Lumos Roundtable Ideas
Open to: All, results viewable to: AllLet's say you're an uber-fan of gender switching at Lumos. Which workshop title appeals?

View Answers"Under the Switching Spell: Fanon as a Catalyst for Genderqueer Expression" 6 (40.0%)"Playing with Polyjuice: Magical Mechanisms for Exploring Gender Identity" 11 (73.3%)Genderswitching?!!!! I check all the ticky boxes, for JOY! 3 (20.0%)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

This w...

This weekend I'm working on my witchwinter sketch. I do love the femslash.

Does anyone know of any Valentine's Day fic/art fests or exchanges going on? I would love to join in one! On that note, I think I'm going to do V-day sketches for my flist. I'd really like to cover as many
pairings as possible, then put them on shirts later. But I can't do it without your help!

I'm holding my very own ♥ V-Day Ultra Fluffy!Ship-Fest ♥
The first 14 pairings to be named will get a special Valentine's Day sketch from me!

Reply here with your absolute fave OTP or threesome in the HP fandom.
Give me a specific rating! I won't be able to put it on a shirt, mind you, if something nekkid is included, but that's okay!

Name some element to be included that is particularly "fluffy" e.g. holding hands or candy boxes. Literally "fluffy" is okay too, e.g. feather boas.

All 14 sketches will be done by February 14th and posted on artpirate (so go monitor if you sign up!). I expect that some
people will have the same OTP/3, and that's fine. Yes, I'm doing this
because I'm a sucker for romance and I thrive on assignments. ETA: Only 8 giftsketches left...

Monday, August 6, 2007

Lumos Proposal Ideas

HULLO anyone out there who is going to LUMOS or thinking about it... *g* I want to discuss a couple of things. First off, please skip on over to bekkio's LJ for a quick poll on submitting a proposal for Lumos here. Next, because I don't have enough to do already, I really do want to submit a proposal for a panel or roundtable. One thing missing from all the lovely programs I attended at TWH was something truly interesting about Femslash or anything genderqueer in our fandom. It's no secret that the (born) male characters get a lot more attention in fanon, and arguably in canon. But Femslash is still a strong faction, and is often the place where girl/girl relationships get the spotlight. On a similar note, how fun is it to write/draw HP chars as a different gender than the one we assume? It's liberating, and it allows us to explore parts of characters' (and our own) identities and situations that we can't do while writing canon. I have several ideas swimming around in my head, and I just need a little grounding.I'm all talk and ideas here - I'd love to meet up with a few other interested parties to really put something together and submit it. Something with substance, beyond "woot!femslash!". I'm posting this public if you'd like to rec this entry to someone you know has been talking about the same thing, or perhaps already has plans to do just this. Thanks, y'all!

Friday, August 3, 2007


Anyone else been having a serious problem with comments and replies being emailed to you? Well I had it pretty bad - I'd get about half of mine for some reason. Suddenly I think LJ has fixed the problem. So, erm, if I commented in your LJ, and you replied several weeks ago, chances are I'm just finding out. Uh... thanks!I ditched work early today because I was *genuinely* not feeling well. Dunno if it's going to look bad to my boss, who's been in constant meetings anyway. lord_vandemort took me out for chinese tonight, and it was yummy. Speaking of, she took me out last Friday to see GoF for a second time. Wow - there were so many things I didn't catch the first time around!! It must have been the 2,000+ fangirls squeeing at the top of their lungs. Snape's line to Harry seemed less like a pick-up line this time...sorta. Hermione seemed less uppity than I remembered. Still, loved it. ♥

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Ack, tired

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